28 March 2006

Walkway detail

Just a quick picture of the detail from the walkway to the driveway. I actually took this to email to Steve so he could see it before it was "set it stone" but thought I'd post it 'cause it looks good. A few days from now I'll post a picture of the finished product - gotta give the sand a bit to settle. Right now it just looks dirty.
BUT DONE :> Posted by Picasa


A few days later...

So we waited through the weekend, and Monday came & went but they did show up Tuesday & laid almost the entire driveway - just a few odd cuts they have to make and some sand to finish. Now they've started the walkway to the front door.
Note the fish tank - it's sitting full of water (step 1 to getting it in the house is making sure the seals weren't damaged in the move) Posted by Picasa


What pond?

Just wanted to post a picture of the pond that is no more.... NO MORE Mosquito breeding ground YEAH!!! Posted by Picasa


24 March 2006

Almost done

I went to drop off the girls & run some errands and when I got back they were almost done.... WOW Posted by Picasa


Quick picture

Just a quick view outside - not through the window Posted by Picasa


And Good Morning to you too....

So we were woken up this morning by two guys wanting to dig up our driveway (sleepy yeah). So it was a bit hard to get the girls dressed, to eat breakfast, moving away from the window in general. But it's started Posted by Picasa
