31 December 2005

Much needed help....

Steve got some much needed help from Calia while putting on the electrical plates... always handy to have someone go get things for you - note the pile of wood flooring in the dining room - it's here & almost done... YEAH Posted by Picasa



We painted the front entry & 'piano' room the same color although they look completely different because of the light that comes into each room - but for now the entire front of the house is painted & waiting for the remaining trim & wood floors. Posted by Picasa


27 December 2005

And next...

The dining room was next - just in time for the trim guy to put in base boards & crown molding... which hasn't been painted but the walls look good Posted by Picasa


And the painting has begun...

So my sister was coming to visit on her way from her in-laws back to Baton Rouge so we painted the guest room first....ignore the trim that hasn't been painted yet Posted by Picasa


23 December 2005

More light!!!

They installed the lights on the back of the house.... but for some reason the switches don't seem to do anything - so they look good but 'aint got no juice' Posted by Picasa



The electricians came by today & finished out some of the electrical... they'll get the rest after Christmas but at least we have lights on the front of our house now... and they work - just ignore our temporary mailbox still sitting by the front door and it looks pretty good Posted by Picasa


17 December 2005

It's FINISHED...ok just the floor

They've officially finished the entry way floor which was the only tile left to complete.... I have to say it took them WAY longer than I thought it would but it turned out beautifully... it's still a bit dirty but we'll get there Posted by Picasa


The floor.....

The tile floor is done in most of the house now - I thought I should take a close up picture so everyone could get an idea about the pattern & how pretty it is.... Steve still has to stop me from petting it & saying "my precious" but I'm getting better I swear!! Posted by Picasa


14 December 2005

Is that brown?

So the painters started yesterday and although this is only the primer color my house is no longer stucco gray - it's BROWN!!! Plus note the BEAUTIFUL stain on the front door... we might actually finish this house one day. Posted by Picasa


06 December 2005


So more than 2/3 of the floor is completely done - they've left the hard parts (lots of cutting) and the not so level part of the living room for last... but I wanted to post a close up picture of my pretty floor Posted by Picasa


Front entry

Well I'm not sure if they'll finish it today but I had to add a picture of the front entry way....same tile - different pattern - still very pretty & I can't wait to walk on it.... since I've got the fancy new front door I can use & all. Posted by Picasa


We're one step closer to being done

Well they installed the front door today - so the stucco guys can come tomorrow & finish up & we can paint & a whole long list of other things that have been waiting on each other... But for now isn't the door pretty :> Posted by Picasa



Well the end of the living room (aka the old porch) isn't exactly level with the rest of the floor so they are having to add extra leveling 'mud' If you look back you'll see they put some in the kitchen too & it's VERY stinky... good thing we've got lots of doors to open Posted by Picasa


05 December 2005

tiny little eyes....

In the demo of the deck process we uncovered a pretty big possum who had kicked our large armadillo out & taken over…. He’s moved on now we think, since there is no deck left to live under & he hasn't moved into the house we hope we're right. Posted by Picasa


Our Little Helpers

Steve, his brother Chris, Chris's girlfriend Kate, the two girls, & myself had a little demo weekend project.... As you can see the girls were VERY helpful in hammering and such. Posted by Picasa


02 December 2005


Ok so some of you have been aware of our "front door issues" - The guys at the door company pretty much stopped talking to Steve & I. BUT it's been delivered! It's in the house - yes I know it really should be 'on' the house but it's still 'in' it. Jerry & his guys will hopefully install in first thing Monday morning. Either way - it's here & that's all that really matters at the moment. Posted by Picasa


I tried to wait....

I was going to post a picture tonight of how far they got with the floor - but I couldn't wait. Don't you just want to pet it & say "my precious"... or is that just me? Posted by Picasa


Thought you'd like to see...

Thought I'd post one last picture of the front of the house BEFORE the front door gets put in. They tell me it's going to be delivered - won't believe it til I see it. But the house looks nice even if it's still "stucco gray" Don't you think? Posted by Picasa



More "self-leveling" stinky stuff Posted by Picasa


Did you notice...

Did you notice the LACK of appliances in the kitchen? This is a picture of my girls awaiting breakfast at their fancy temporary breakfast table..... Don't they look happy Posted by Picasa


01 December 2005


For those of you who have been to the house - we moved some cabinets around in the kitchen... Posted by Picasa


Stinky floor

If you ever put new tile in your house & they have to put a "self-leveling" agent down be prepared... THIS STUFF STINKS - and looks pretty gross too Posted by Picasa
