September 27, 2006

etriganEntertainmentFantastic Fest: Day 6

The Listening Dead - this b&w short is filmed like a silent movie but the supporting music is just as riveting as the visuals.

Shinobi: Heart Under Blade - In the tradition of Crouching Tiger and House of Flying Daggers, this is another romantic fantasy wire-fu film based on the Romeo and Juliet concept. The son and daughter in line of succesion of opposing ninja factions meet in the woods and fall in love. The unifying emperor of Japan sets the factions against each other offering the winner the position of Shogun. This film is beautiful and the story intriguing — another sub-titled hit from the Orient.

Roman - Twice before I’ve seen Lucky McKee and Angela Bettis introduce a collaborative work but this time the roles are reversed with Lucky as actor and Angela as director (but still written by Lucky). The first third of Roman was filmed in 2004 before the actress who plays the primary victim was awarded the leading role in Veronica Mars, then Lucky and Angela got busy with other projects. They finished the film this year and it’s another indie/weirdo/horror success from the two, but it’s also another film with the ameteur look and feel from this talented pair who shun the system.

The Woods - a girl having problems at home is sent to a boarding school where things just don’t seem right. This film is great and could be screened alongside The Omen or The Shining. Instead of jumping into a gory fright fest like most current studio horror films, The Woods is about intrigue first and solid performances next. Lucky seemed bitter about the studio involvement in this picture, and I agree they are stupid to move this straight-to-DVD without a deserved theatrical release, but this film is the best thing he’s made — a classic quality terror movie.

Posted by etrigan at September 27, 2006 4:23 PM
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