
Headline Story:

I MET DANNY ELFMAN!...I just didn't know it was him...
Attendance at a wild druken slacker party Saturday, 9/10, did not
appear to be anything out of the norm.  There were the usual mu-
sician types who stood around playing ABBA, and Hank Williams, Jr.
songs - this party was thrown to celebrate the birthday of Frantic
Mantra's guitarist Matt [something polish]-ski.  There were the
handful or two of the tattoed over-pierced suburban jungle monkeys.
And (to no-one's surprise) several local hackers.   The party was
perfect with the keg of Shiner (mmmmmm - beer) flowing like a fount.

Jump ahead to the following Thursday and a story in "Dancing About
Architecture" - a regular column in local rag, the Austin Chronicle.
The first section was about the Boingo concert ("...'Oingo' apparently
means [balls] since both seemed to be missing from the Liberty Lunch
show this weekend...") and Danny Elfman's quest for weirdness foll-
owing the show.  He followed images of the grail to Emo's (THE alter-
native lounge) and the Blue Famingo Cantina (home of the brash cross
dressers), and then to several parties with the K-NACK DJ crew.  I
quote : "...Elfman was a regular guy whether he was performing his 
new act, [reading letters and poems] on refrigerators of complete
strangers, or lying in their yards being licked by their dogs."
| (Dylan's House) --->                                |        |
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|    /      \O~U\___)\  <----(Danny Elfman being  /            |
|   /      _/|_ || ||      attacked by Sid!)     /             |
|  /      / |                                   /              |
| /        /                                   /               |

To fill in the blanks the way we had to...Matt and Dylan Dobecke are
roomates...Dylan's next door neighbor used to be, "Melody Lee", the 
late night DJ for alternative radio station KNNC (K-NACK 107.7)..."Melody
Lee" was at the party.  Several people who showed up were "with the band,
"Boingo"...As is always the case at Matt and Dylan's, Sid licked a 
lot of people.

Those who have been to Austin and met Slacker-of-Note, Dylan 
Dobecke, will remember the massive half-lab, half-mastadon "Sid" 
(named after Sid Vicious).  Sid, realizing that his master would
be the only person to recognize Danny Elfman on sight, took up the
slack when Dylan was schnockered beyond conciousness and treated
Mr. Elfman with the praises he deserves.  (Elfman is responisble for
the musical scores of Batman, Edward Scissorhands, and the Nightmare
Before Christmas among others.)

Thursday, 9/15 ~12:34 pm.
[Dylan]:  (whilst looking through the Chronicle) Did ["Melody Lee"] show 
          up Saturday?
[Matt]:   Yeah, she brought a lot of people from the "Boingo" show.
[Dylan]:  Was one of them orange haired, big eyes, and looked like this...
          (shows picture of famous 20th century composer)
[Matt]:   Holy Shit!  I talked to Danny Elfman!
    Sunday, 9/11 ~1:30 am.
    [Matt]: (to complete stranger wandering through Matt's house) I'm Matt -
            this is my house, and my birthday.
    [Complete Stranger]:  Hey - happy birhtday - I'm in town with Boingo.
    [Matt]  Really?  What's it like working with Danny Elfman?
    [Complete Stranger]:  He's an asshole.

We all came away with Elfman stories:
[Johnny R.]:  ( wildly drunk, playing bongos, and singing)...All I know is 
              we've lost control, she says...
[Complete Stranger]:  (complete deadpan) Stick to the bongos.

[All events have been re-enacted by professional]
[ASCII(c) actors.  Events have been reconstucted]
[to make them seem interesting to text readers. ]


Rave reviews have been phoned in from associates in the Denver area for
the movie "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert".  If you
haven't heard, this movie focuses on two cross-dressers and a (sweet)
transvestite as they leave the haven of Sydney (Australia) and into the
dessert with their bus, Priscilla.  The movie features lots of ABBA, and
campy drag scenes that would make even the butchest man want to put on
suspenders and a bra and strut around singing "...If you change your mind,
I'm the first in line, honey, I'm still free, take a chance on me..."


School is now in full swing, and since my distribution features a large 
cross section of the college kids, I KNOW that many of you are receiving
this - AND, lame as you may all be, I'm sure there are interesting things
happening to you, occasionally.  If you have a story to tell, or a movie,
book, or musical media to rave about, write and tell me!  Please send no
money, only stories...(okay send money, too!)