URL-kel and the whole cast of Full House!!!!

I've spent the last 5 days moving my office from slightly north Austin
to a town north of Austin, and my home from central Austin to a sub-
division in South Austin.  I ache and I'm scraped and bruised.  PITY ME!

I'm a day (or two) late, but I'll not bore you with endless prattle.
kmembry@databank.com has submitted several URL's for our perusal.
Here they are with my comments attached:


Lite Brite

[ This is on everyone's Cool Site list for a reason.  The interface ]
[ isn't easy to work with, but the finished products can be quite   ]
[ deco.  Try the "Some of our favorites" gallery."                  ]


[ This is a very intriguing concept.  It's a MUD (Multi-user dungeon]
[ type layout with pictures and a graphical interface.  If you have ]
[ a MPEG video player, this site also includes animations!          ]


[ This page expects you to have a lot of faith in the honesty of    ]
[ your 'net neighbors.  Supposedly a speech synthiser will play the ]
[ message you type to the owner's lonely cat.  Anything for our     ]
[ pets, hunh?!?                                                     ]


[ Of course, we can't forget the Liquid Squid page.  It's freshly   ]
[ created, but it's growing smoothly and quickly.                   ]


Here's a couple of URLs from others.  teo@eden.com pointed this one
out to me.  It's dark, but not drab.  Why do those goths seem so 
attractive, yet give us the heebie-jeebies?  There's a goth postcard
section in the Gothic Dome area.  Quite hip!


If you're interested in games then you should be looking at Interplay's
site.  sscivall@crl.com showed me the way to this little corner advert
for one of the best developers in the market (Boogerman, Descent).  
Notice the full use of Netscape's Netsite Server if you're using Netscape
1.1N (and if you aren't, you SHOULD BE!)


Speaking of Netscape 1.1N and it's features (spelled - B-U-G-S) peruse
my page and see what Bill Nye taught me.
