|  Johnny Rollerfeet presents...      .  ___          . ___        |
|     The Weekend Update!!          ._  /  /        ._ /  /        |
|     an exclusive for the        .__  /  /__     .__ /  /__       |
|    Weekend Update Krewe!!      ._ _ (      )  ._ _ (      )      |
| (?s, !s, and ideas welcome!!)  .___ ()()()()  .___ ()()()()      |
|              --- An Original Electronic 'Zine ---                |

Okay, okay, back off, allright! I know that you _truly_ believed you would be relieved the torment of the WU, but no, I'M BACK!

I make no excuses for my virtual abscense, other than pure insanity. Thhhhbbpppt!!!! I hope you're covered in a duly deserved thin layer of cyber-phlegm!

Table of Contents.

ASCII Cartoon
Political Comic strip plagerised from the Daily Texan.
Little Jimmy learns manners.
Restaurant Review
The Old Alligator Grill.
Sound Bite
Public Emeny.
David Letterman from listserv
A sample of David Letterman daily listserv.
David Letterman from finger.
A sample of David Letterman Top 10 from finger.
Movie eEview
The Madness of King George.
Table O' Contents - Greeting/Top

With complete lack of respect to e.wild, I'm posting a cartoon-to- content_ASCII converted cartoon from McCloyd's, a cartoon in the Daily Texan.

|Hey, Judge did you|After which animal |                   |Folks, please feel |
|know that we just |is this year named?|                   |free to fill in    |
|started the Chi-  |\_________________/|                   |your favorite Newt |
|  nese New Year? /| /  /  Uh, it's  \ |                   |Gingrich joke at   |
|\_______________/ | | | the "year of ||                   |\  this time!     /|
|/No, I didn't.| \ | |  \  the pig". / |                   | \_______________/ |
|\_____________/ | |  \_ \__________/  |                   |   /               |
|           |    | |    \      /       |                   |   \               |
|           O    O |     O    O        |     O    O        |     O    O        |
|          \|/  \|/|    \|/  \|/       |    \|/  \|/       |    \|/  \|/       |
|           |    | |     |    |        |     |    |        |     |    |        |
|          <<   << |    <<   <<        |    <<   <<        |    <<   <<        |

With that said, send me _your_ favorite Newt Gingrich (or other politico) joke. Here's a comletely non-poltical joke for you.

Table O' Contents - Greeting/Top
Little Jimmy got a new toy air-o-plane for his birthday. Jimmy would fly the plane around - "whoosh whoosh" and then he'd land and say "All the motherfuckers who want to get on, get on, all the motherfuckers who want to get off, get off."

Jimmy would fly the plane around some more - "whoosh whoosh" - and then he'd land and say "All the motherfuckers who want to get on, get on, all the motherfuckers who want to get off, get off."

Mom saw little Jimmy playing in the back yard with his brand new air-o-plane. Jimmy would fly the plane around - "whoosh whoosh" and then he'd land and say "All the motherfuckers who want to get on, get on, all the motherfuckers who want to get off, get off."

Mom ran out the screen door and snatched little Jimmy up by his ear, dragged him inside, gave him a scalding lecture about appropriate language, and sent him to his room for 3 hours.

Three hours later little Jimmy emerged looking much humbled and ready to play some more. He went out to the back yard and flew the plane around - "whoosh whoosh" and then he landed the plane and said "All the nice people who wnat to get on, get on, all the nice people who want to get off, get off - and all you motherfuckers complaining about the three hour delay can blame the bitch in the kitchen."

Table O' Contents - Greeting/Top

For those in the Austin area, or planning to visit the Austin area, here's a brief glimpse of a new South Austin restaurant - The Old Alligator Grill.

The Old Alligator Grill is neither an old grill, nor does it serve old alligator. As a matter of fact, they _do_ serve fresh/frozen alligator, though - yum, yum! They purport to be a 'cajun' res- taurant, and as most of the readers of WU can attest - "the farther from Louisisna, the farther from cajun."

My associate in this cullinary adventure had the filet mignon with red beans and rice, I had the alligator po'-boy; we shared a plate of buffalo wings. The closest to cajun was the wings, with a gen- erous dose of Tobasco(c) - spice of the gods! The red beans and rice and the po'-boy were good, but not spicy enough by far. The filet mignon was quite good.

As this restaurant matures, they will surely spice things up, and hopefully add hush puppies to the menu. For now, though it's a quality restaurant with only a ghost-hint of cajun cooking.

Table O' Contents - Greeting/Top
I got so much trouble on my mind
I refuse to lose
Here's your ticket
Hear the drummer get wicked
Table O' Contents - Greeting/Top

From the desk of Late Night watcher, boredB - elvis1@mail.utexas.edu

From New York: Where the corn is as high as an elephant's eye ... it's THE TOP TEN LIST for Friday, February 3, 1995. And now, fresh from your grocer's dairy case ... David Letterman!

From the home office in Sioux City, Iowa ...


10. I was out drinking beer and picking up babes with Richard Simmons

9. Busy trying to get Connie Chung pregnant

8. Home watching CBS primetime

7. Playing ping pong with Carol Channing (videotape of Dave and Carol playing ping pong)

6. Out buying hams for the audience!

5. Was attending a PBS fundraiser with Newt Gingrich

4. Spent entire weekend trying to suck myself into a Pepsi bottle

3. Hypnotized by the sound of Casey Kasem's voice (videotape of upset Casey in audience storming out)

2. Alone in my room doing some of that Joycelyn Elders stuff

1. I'm Batman!

[Bonus List - Presented by Senator Robert Dole]


7. Stop paying Clinton speechwriters by the word

6. Get Letterman to pay his speeding tickets

5. Serve canned hams at all White House state dinners

4. Save government ink by replacing long "William Jefferson Clinton" signature with 70% shorter "Bob Dole" signature

3. Make Gore and Gingrich pay for those good seats at State of the Union address

2. Fire White House gardeners. Al Gore can earn his keep by mowing the lawn

1. Arkansas? Sell it

[Music: "Cuts Like a Knife" by Bryan Adams]

Compiled by Sue Trowbridge

     11:35 p.m. ET/PT (10:35 CT/MT)
     on the CBS Television Network
Brought to you by Yoyodyne Entertainment, where the future begins tomorrow. For details on our online games, send email to yoyo@sgp.com.

The Top Ten List is Copyright (C) 1995 Worldwide Pants, Incorporated. Used with permission.

You may also use the FINGER command to grab today's list from . If you prefer to use e-mail, send a message to infobot@infomania.com with FINGER BARNHART@WELL.SF.CA.US in the SUBJECT line.

TOPTEN is also reflected to the newsgroups alt.fan.letterman.top-ten and alt.fan.letterman.

To leave the list, mail LISTSERV@LISTSERV.CLARK.NET with the message
SIGNOFF TOPTEN To join the list, mail same with the message SUBSCRIBE TOPTEN Your Name
Table O' Contents - Greeting/Top

Let's see if the above directions actually work.

finger barnhart@well.sf.ca.us

The following includes information on only those WELL users who have
specifically chosen to make information about themselves publicly
available.  For help contact .

Login: barnhart       			Name: Aaron Barnhart
Directory: /home/b/a/barnhart       	Shell: /usr/local/shell/picospan
Last login Wed Feb  8 07:58 (PDT) on pts/28 from Mars.mcs.com
> From New York: Try our East River sushi ... it's THE TOP TEN
  LIST for Tuesday, February 7, 1995.  And now, the star of the
  pro bowl halftime show ... David Letterman!
> From the home office in Sioux City, Iowa ...
10. Regretted not serving in military after learning about the
    free meals
 9. Has had sex in every Taco Bell in District of Columbia
 8. When he first entered the White House, he yelled, "Look
    Hillary! Indoor plumbing!"
 7. Only real father figure he ever had?  Janet Reno
 6. Secret goal: beat Wilt Chamberlain's career record of
    20,000 women
 5. Whatever his problems are, it ain't for lack of a good
 4. As grade school homeroom representative, ordered safety
    patrol to round up cute girls
 3. Privately refers to Newt Gingrich as "a bitch"
 2. While studying at Oxford, got it on with the Queen
 1. Real name: Bubba Bubba-Ghali
            [Music: "Revolution" by the Beatles]
Compiled by Sue Trowbridge
               11:35 p.m. ET/PT (10:35 CT/MT)
               on the CBS Television Network
             On Wednesday's show, Dave welcomes
             ... actor/comedian KEVIN POLLACK
             ... singer BRANDY
Brought to you by Yoyodyne Entertainment, where the future begins
tomorrow. For details on our online games, send email to
The Top Ten List is Copyright (C) 1995 Worldwide Pants, Incorporated.
Used with permission.
You may also use the FINGER command to grab today's list from
.  If you prefer to use e-mail, send a
message to infobot@infomania.com with FINGER BARNHART@WELL.SF.CA.US
in the SUBJECT line.
TOPTEN is also reflected to the newsgroups alt.fan.letterman.top-ten
and alt.fan.letterman.
To leave the list, mail LISTSERV@LISTSERV.CLARK.NET with the message
To join the list, mail same with the message SUBSCRIBE TOPTEN Your Name
--Boundary (ID eQ79KEAX4KmxQZ/TQdYw2g)--

hunh!?! it worked.

Table O' Contents - Greeting/Top
If you like history with a face of reality, then you should definitely catch the latest popular British release "The Madness of King George". (It's rumored the original title was "The Madness of King George III", but they figured some people wouldn't watch the movie thinking they had missed part I and II. If they're that stupid, though, they prob- ably won't care to see it any way.)

It had humor on all levels from King George trying to force a fart, to having the cast member with the deepest voice (Barry White competition, here) reding a female role in "King Lear". It had a draining love story. It had sexy babes, and buff dudes. See it, and learn some British history, it can't hurt.

Well, that's it for now, have fun!!!

Table O' Contents - Greeting/Top