...that song - La La La La - you know...

Subject: ...that song - La La La La - you know...

The weekend was froth with a serious head cold, but I managed to make
it through alive, and put together a few measley scraps for the WU.
(And when I say froth, I mean phlegm.)


Friday was 'lay-in-bed-and-moan" night, but Saturday was quite a blast.
The roomie and I mosied into Dallas late afternoon accompanied by a
Goober and his girlfriend.  We were in search of a "new-to-me" style
of party called the "Progressive Party".

Apparently, the idea is to get several people in your neighborhood to
choose a drink and prepare that drink in their established abode of
living.  The party moves from house to house, getting shnockered and
chatting party-style.  The movement from one abode to another helps
to mix the party goers and prevent groups from clumping.  It actually

The party progressed in the following fashion:  Jello(c) Shots,
Margaritas, Fuzzy Navels (and Beer), and then Mimosas - or was it
Cape Cods?  Needless to say by the end of the route, we were all
quite imbibed, and doing the things imbibed people do - like not
paying attention to what we were drinking, but drinking anything
that was placed in our hand.


One of the highlights of the evening was contributed by a good, albeit
weird, friend - Tetine.  (How many people do you know that can go by
one name?)  Tetine is actaully the extension of a hyper-teristrial
being that takes the form of a female in our dimension.  She's _so_
hyper, she tends to be an endless source of entertainment.

She taught us the following (altered to fit the sober):

Dos - a beer, a Mexican beer.
Ray - the guy who sells me beer.
Me  - a man, drinking beer.        [Women sing: woman, drinking beer.]
Far - a long, long way for beer.
So  - I think I'll have a beer.
La  - La, La, La, La, La, beer.
Tea - No thanks, I'll have a beer.
And that brings us back to Dos.

What a knee-slapper, eh?


[ With prompting from elvis1@mail.utexas.edu, I went and pulled the ]
[ following from the Simpsons home page and FAQ at                  ]
[ http://turtle.ncsa.uiuc.edu/alan/simpsons.html.                   ]

P.Code Episode (the blackboard) [the couch] {Notes} <Aired>
====== ========================================================================
			     - Season 1 -
7G08   Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire	<12/17/89, 12/23/89, 07/01/90,
       {No quote}				 12/19/91**>
						[No couch scene]
7G02   Bart the Genius				<01/14/90, 03/04/90, 05/27/90>
       (I will not waste chalk)			[Bart]
7G03   Homer's Odyssey				<01/21/90, 06/03/90, 08/30/90>
       (I will not skateboard in the halls)	[Couch collapses]
7G04   There's No Disgrace Like Home		<01/28/90, 03/11/90, 06/10/90,
       (I will not burp in class)		 08/30/92**> [Homer]
7G05   Bart the General				<02/04/90, 04/08/90, 07/22/90>
       {No board quote}				[No couch scene]
7G06   Moaning Lisa				<02/11/90, 04/22/90, 08/05/90>
       (I will not instigate revolution)	[Maggie]
7G09   Call of the Simpsons			<02/18/90, 05/06/90, 07/29/90>
       (I will not draw naked ladies in class)	[Nobody]
7G07   The Tell-Tale Head *			<02/25/90, 05/20/90, 08/23/90>
       (I did not see Elvis)			[Bart]
       {One line as the view enters the classroom states ``I did see Elvis''}
7G11   Jacques to be Wild			<03/18/90, 07/15/90, 09/20/90,
       {No board quote}				 08/30/92**> [No couch scene]
       {This episode is also known as ``Life in the Fast Lane''; also,
	it was originally going to be ``Bjorn to be Wild'', but Albert
	Brooks couldn't get the Swedish accent right, so it became a
	French bowler}
7G10   Homer's Night Out			<03/25/90, 06/17/90, 09/06/90>
       (I will not call my teacher `Hot Cakes') [Couch collapses]
7G13   The Crepes of Wrath			<04/15/90, 06/24/90, 09/13/90>
       (Garlic gum is not funny)		[Homer]
7G12   Krusty Gets Busted			<04/29/90, 08/19/90, 09/27/90>
       (They are laughing at me, not with me)	[Maggie]
       {The August 18, 1990, episode was the last at 8:30pm on Sundays; from
	then on, they aired on Thursdays at 8pm opposite The Cosby Show}
7G01   Some Enchanted Evening			<05/13/90, 08/12/90, 10/04/90>
       (I will not yell "fire" in a crowded	[Nobody]

3.1)  Didja notice...?

    ... everybody has only three fingers and a thumb on each hand?
    ... whenever police are part of the story, it's the same two cops (who
	both have pigs' snouts)?
    ... Homer works in Sector 7-G at the power plant?
    ... according to ``Itchy & Scratchy & Marge'', Kent Brockman got the
	Emmy he was after in ``Bart vs Thanksgiving''?
    ... Dr. Hibert and his family are strikingly similar to the Huxtables
	from ``The Cosby Show''?
    ... that Mr. Burns lives at the corner of Croesus & Mammon? [Mammon,
	whose name implies "riches", was a daemon of "cupidity" made by
	the fallen angel Milton; Croesus was a king of Lydia in the 6th
	century B.C. and was well-known for his vast wealth. -- Gerald
	Hough <libros@maxwell.physics.purdue.edu>]
    ... whenever there's an establishing shot of the nuclear plant, you
	hear a crow call?
    ... attempting to find a sequence that the episodes occur to is an
	entertaining but futile endeavour?

    [in the title sequence]

    ... that Bart's blackboard punishment changes from show to show?
    ... that there really are people who're interested in where Bart
	cuts off during his punishment, for whatever reason?
    ... that the cash register says Maggie costs $847.63?
    ... Lisa's saxophone solo varies during the third and fourth seasons?
    ... that the ad on the side of the bus [in the first season] was for
	none other than Duff Beer?
    ... that Marge runs through a stop sign?
    ... that no adequate explanation has been given to why Lisa's
	saxophone [in the first season] was strapped to the back of her
	bike inside a banjo case?
    ... that different things happen when the family runs to the couch?

    [also, in the title sequence for the second season]

    ... that Lisa now plays a baritone sax instead of a tenor?
    ... that Marge is reading ``Mom Monthly'' at the checkout?
	And the issues of ``Feeble'' magazine behind her?
    ... all the stuff that flashes by in the very fast pan of Springfield?
	 (Regards to Raymond Chen and David Tamkin)
	 In the park: Milhouse is throwing a baseball;
		   Bullies (including Nelson Mundt from ``Bart the General'')
		   have tossed a kid head-first into a garbage pail -- only
		   his legs are visible;
		   The bullies in ``The Tell-Tale Head'' (the tall thin one
		   with the skull-and-crossbones tee-shirt [Jimbo] and the fat
		   bald one [Kearney] are harassing Martin (the Poindexter);
	 The next yard: Patty and Selma are sunbathing;
		   The twins [Sherri and Terri] are walking across the yard to
		   the park;
	 Springfield Retirement Castle: Grampa Simpson, Jasper, and another
		   guy (Herman?) are gawking at Patty and Selma, but Grampa's
		   holding a book, in case anybody catches him;
		   The Emmy-winning Kent Brockman (accompanied by his
		   camera man) are taping;
	 The road: Dr. Marvin Monroe and Dr. Hibert have clipboards poised.
		   The school bus is parked with Wendell (looking rather ill)
		   hanging his head out of the rear window;
		   Otto's leaning against the front of the bus, taking a
		   break from changing the front tire;
		   The two cops (the only cops that've appeared in the show
		   so far [see 3.1]) are standing behind a police barricade;
		   the white one is wielding his nightstick.
	 The Flanders Home: Maude, Ned, and Todd play with birds. Maude has
		   just let a bird fly away, and Ned has a bird perched on
		   his outstretched finger. How amazingly Flanders-like!
	 The Simpson Home: Homer's workbench is in the garage (continuity
		   error -- see ``Itchy & Scratchy & Marge''), and there's
		   an empty shelf.
    ... that Mr. Burns shakes his watch when the 5:00 whistle blows at 3:00?
	(Homer leaving at 3 is how he and Bart end up at home at the same time)
    ... in ``Do The Bart, Man'' that the line is
		  "I'm the one who made delinquency an art" ?
	(he didn't put the "C" in anything)

    [if your fingers do the walking ...]

    ... Homer's phone numbers, according to Principal Skinner's rolodex card,
		Before ``Simpson & Delilah''	After
	 Home:	555-6528			555-6832
	 Work:	555-7334			555-6754

	and that you can reach Moe's Tavern at 555-1239 (happy "hour"
	is from 5:00 to 5:30.) ?

    ... the phone numbers from Homer's television debut in ``Mr. Plow''
	 Home:		555-3223
	 Business:	555-3226

    [in Life in Hell ...]

    ... Akbar and Jeff were sporting various hair styles, including
	the "Marge Simpson" ?
    ... The Lombardo Method [7F18] is startlingly similar to ``How to
	Draw Binky'' ?
    ... Bart Simpson cameos regularly in ``Childhood is Hell''.
    ... after watching Bart on television, Binky critiqued the writing of
	the show.. shortly before the premiere of MG's ``Colonel Homer''.
    ... you'll see the occasional ``D'Ohh.'' (note the spelling)

3.8)  What phone pranks has Bart used on Moe of Moe's Tavern?

	7G03:  Hey, everybody, I. P. Freeley!
	7G06:  Hey guys, I'm lookin' for a Jacques Strap.
	7G01:  Is there an Al Coholic here?  ... and ...
	       Call for Oliver Kloushoff.
	7F11:  I wanna Seymour Butts.
	7F15:  C'mon, one o' you guys has gotta be Homer Sexual.
	7F22:  Hey, has anybody seen Mike Rotch lately?
	8F08:  Somebody check the men's room for a Hugh Jass!
	8F09:  Come on guys, do I have a Bea O'Problem here?
	9F06:  Why can't I find Amanda Hugginkiss?  ... and ...
	       Hey, everybody, put down your glasses.  Ivana Tinkle!
	       (Bart had an accomplice for this one.)


That's all us sick folks can come up with (and I _do_ mean sick).
If you find any thing you'd like to share, let me know!!!