|  Johnny Rollerfeet presents...      .  ___          . ___        |
|     The Weekend Update!!          ._  /  /        ._ /  /        |
|     an exclusive for the        .__  /  /__     .__ /  /__       |
|    Weekend Update Krewe!!      ._ _ (      )  ._ _ (      )      |
| (?s, !s, and ideas welcome!!)  .___ ()()()()  .___ ()()()()      |
|              --- An Original Electronic 'Zine ---                |

Hide-a-ly Ho, Cyber-Neighbors. It's high time we started associating 'techno'-speak with warm friendly fuzzy words...like NEIGHbor. Let's make-believe some new words to show how comfortable the 'net makes us feel, while I put on my comfortable shoes.

How about 'electronic mom'? Let's all say that together...VEry GOOD! Now, let's try another one - 'information apple pie'. Doesn't it just make you feel good to say it? 'Info-pie' - that's a short way of saying 'information apple pie'. Okay, one more while I tighten my laces...you should learn to tie your own laces because it always makes you feel good to know you can do things all by yourself. Our last word will be 'digital cola'. A cola is a special treat for when you've been especially good, so a 'digital cola' would be for when you've been digitally good! : )

Why don't you come up with some of your own words?

Table of Contents

Movie Review
The French? Movie Red.
Joke O'The Day
An internet service to give you a guffaw, daily.
Magic Carpet
Electronic Art's releases 'Magic Carpet' - Video Game Review.

After much struggle and strain, me and my Saturday night companions agreed on a movie. Since we had missed the first few minutes of 'Heavenly Creatures' (I wanted to see it again), we decided to pop into the French film 'Red'. One thing can be said about the French, they are different from Americans - and not just in the way they talk.

Like most French films, there was very little action/adventure, but a lot of simple, yet important dialog. If you aren't into dialog movies, then skip this one. Also found in most French films, this movie contain a LOT of symbolism. I'm finally starting to become clearly aware of the differences in international film styles. One of the French style markers is their blatantly layered style of direction. In an American (or even Australian) film the symbolism, dialog, etc. tend to cook together like a stew, but a French film is built more like a layer-casserole with each ingredient having it's own layer.

One of the symbols that was prevelant was the use of cups. (kudos to 'some girl' for pointing it out to me.) If anyone sees the movie and has an idea what the cups represented, write me and let's discuss.

Synopsis: A model with minor personal problems meets a man who is spying on his neighbors, using a short wave radio to pick up their portable phone conversations. The two have conflict, and then friend- ship.

Overall the film was typical for it's genre - emotional, slow-paced, and quiet. It's not a film for everyone, but if you're in a quiet mood, give it a chance.

Table O' Contents - Greeting/Top

My buddy, Curt (curt_gloyer@us.dell.com) brought this gem to my attention. The joke isn't the best, or even the classiest, but if you need a joke on a daily basis, here's a place to go.

These three friends, a dentist, a carpenter, and an electrician were sitting around trying to decide what prank to pull on a mutual friend. Their friend was getting married soon, and his good buddies just felt compelled to play some prank, as all good buddies would.

After sitting around brainstorming for a while, the Electrician had a thought, "I know! I know! I can wire the bed so that when our friend and his new bride sit on it and touch one another, they'll get a good shock."

The Carpenter perked up and added, "and I can rig the bed so that when they get shocked and jump apart, the bed will collapse."

The Dentist just sat in silence, because he couldn't think of a thing to do.

After the fortunate couple's wedding and honeymoon, the groom called his friends together for a chat. He said to them, "Well, when we sat on the bed and got a shock, it wasn't that bad. And then when we jumped apart and the bed fell in, we had a good laugh. But who's bright idea was it to put the Novacaine in the Vaseline?!?!?!?!?"

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Table O' Contents - Greeting/Top

In the middle of the new issue of Wired magazine (the issue with Ah-nold's body, and some Ma Bell Suit's head) is an ad from Electronic Arts (one of the best game companies around) for their Doom rip-off...and it appears to be one of the best Doom rip-offs around. The game is called magic carpet, and !SURPRISE! puts you on a flying carpet. It has almost full 3-d with pilot-style flight control, and spells instead of weapons. The two best features are the way the horizon 'melts' into a mist, and the way the ground morphs into buildings when you cast the castle spell. It's really _VERY_ well done. (What do you expect from EA?)

You can find it at ftp.ea.com, and it appears to be full-featured. It also supports VR helmets, AND blue-red 3-D glasses, AND it has a random dot stero-gram mode (as if any one can really stare at a monitor, AND play a game at the same time with your eyes all buggy - but it's a cool idea.)

Table O' Contents - Greeting/Top
Well, that's all for now. Until next week: make the 'net a friendlier place to be.