Rose Colored Tumblers.

This past week I came into a very small sum of money and like the money-
smart person I am I've put into a nice fund to mature.

<KRAK-a-BOOOM!>  <...sizzle...>

O.K., we should all know better.  I rushed out and bought the hottest
Home Video Game Sytem on the market:  the SONY PLAYSTATION (often referred
to as the "PSX") and the (so far) best fighting game for the PSX: TEKKEN.
I also worshipped in the blessed bowels of the basilica Blockbuster and
came away with "Gex" and "Jumping Flash".

Let's say that my weekend was spent doing the fruitful ventures of de-
livering myself, in the form of a smart-ass gecko, from the evil clutches 
of "Rez"; Jumping flea-like on the tops of frogs, giraffes, and other
henchmen who'd taken the major cities of my (heretofore) quiet pleasent
planet into space; AND kicking some serious cross-cultural butt with
feats of fantastic 3D rendered gymnastics and martial arts.

Maybe this weekend I should get out more.


[ From (isn't this an even NEWER email ]
[ address..)                                                      ]

Gee, I thought my handle of "Liquid Squid" was good, I found a company
in the Internic Internet Registrations:

Puffy Puppy Productions (PUFFYPUPPY-DOM)

Guess I was "one-upped"!

[ If you are interesed in seeing what companies have registered   ]
[ to be on the internet try looking at the home of the folks who  ]
[ mangage the monstorous list ->      ]


[ Much worship should go to David Letterman for bringing "the List" ]
[ to the staples of comedy. sends us this ]
[ list of things he wishes he had the cajones to try on his profs.  ]

 25 Ways To Confuse Your Professors:

 1. Brush your teeth during class.  While doing so, raise your hand as if
    you have a question, and mumble your question incoherantly while 
    brushing, spewing toothpaste all over the place.  If your professor 
    objects to your actions, go on a tirade about proper oral hygiene.
 2. Sit way at the back of the room, up against the wall, to get as far 
    away from your professor as possible.  While he/she is lecturing, shout
    out things like, "What!?" and "Speak up!  You're mumbling!"  If your
    professor advises you to sit closer to the front, tell him/her you 
    can't because you're scouting the room for "assassins."
 3. If you have an early morning class, get there before anyone else, and
    bring a pillow, some blankets, an air mattress, and an alarm clock.  
    Wear your pajamas.  Lie down on the air mattress with the pillow and 
    the blankets and act like you're asleep.  Have the alarm set for about 
    two     minutes into class.  When it goes off, preferably very loudly, 
    hit the "snooze" button and go back to sleep.  Keep doing so for the 
    duration of the class.
 4. Dispute everything your professor says, no matter how simple.  Try to
    get him/her to "prove" everything to you.  Rant and rave about what a 
    big liar your professor is.  Yell at students who are taking notes, 
    saying, "Stop writing down all these lies!"
 5. Show up to class about ten minutes late.  Ride into the room on a
    bicycle, yell, "Look out!", and crash into the blackboard.  Get up, 
    take a seat, and act like nothing happened.  Do this every day.
 6. Keep "accidentally" setting fires at your desk.  Burn notebooks, papers,
    or whatever you have handy.  Whenever you start a fire, no matter how
    small it is, start yelling, "Fire!  Fire!" and run out of the room in a
    panic.  Don't return for the rest of class.
 7. Hide somewhere inside the classroom.  Wait for your professor to take
    attendance.  Don't come out when he/she calls your name.  Halfway 
    through class, jump out and yell, "Just kidding!  I'm here!  Fooled you 
    again!"  Sit down and be quiet for the rest of class.
 8. Wrap yourself in bandages and come to class in a wheelchair.  Throughout
    class, cry a lot and moan things like, "Why me?" and "Please kill me!"
    Get up during class, like your going to miraculously start walking.
    Instead, fall down, cry out in pain, and wait for someone to help you
    back up.  When class is over, say, "I feel better now," leap up, and 
    run home.
 9. Come to class with a jar full of angry hornets.  Five minutes into
    class, release the hornets, scream, and run away.
 10. Bring a vacuum to class.  Halfway through class, stand up and start
     using it.  If your professor objects, explain that you "can't stand 
     sitting in this pigsty any longer."  Keep vacuuming, grumbling angrily.
 11. Bring a small cactus to class with you.  Raise your hand, and when
     you're called on, say that the cactus has a question.  Turn and look 
     at the cactus, as if you're waiting for it to say something.  After 
     a few moments, shrug, and wait for your professor to move on.  Do this
     once a day, and become increasingly irritated with the cactus every 
     time, sighing heavily and giving it evil looks when it fails to 
     "speak."  When you leave the room after class, start yelling at the 
     cactus, "I can't believe you embarrassed me AGAIN...."
 12. Every time your professor stutters, do a shot.  If he/she objects,
     explain that drinking games make the class more interesting.
 13. When your professor gives you a syllabus, take it home, correct it,
     give it a grade, and return it to the professor.  Demand extra credit.
 14. Come to class every day wearing scary Halloween masks.  Try to get your
     professor to guess who you are.  Shoot him/her with a water pistol,
     scream, and run around the room knocking things over.  Say, "Pretty
     scary, huh?"
 15. Get the whole class to show up a few minutes early, and throw a
     surprise party for your professor.  Insist that you can't start class 
     until he/she has a piece of cake.  Keep asking people when the 
     strippers are going to arrive.
 16. Instead of taking notes, do an abstract painting during every class.
     the paintings things like, "Professor Acting Like Mr. Know-It-All" or
     "Idiot Who Doesn't Know What The Hell He's Talking About."  Give the
     paintings to your professor as gifts.
 17. Wait for your professor to mention a date, and then yell out, "Bingo!"
     Apologize, and explain that you got confused.
 18. Carve a bust of your professor out of cheese.  Tie a ribbon around it,
     and present it to him/her at the beginning of class.  Demand extra
 19. Write your professor a note that says, "I'm going to be about 15
     minutes late.  Go ahead and start without me."  Wait outside the 
     building until the time when class is supposed to begin.  Tie the 
     note to a rock, and throw it through the window.
 20. Write down everything that your professor says, word for word.  Think
     up a melody, and turn the words into a song.  Bring a guitar to class
     and perform the song for the class.  Explain to your professor that
     he/she is "very inspiring."
 21. Get a monkey, and bring it to class with you.  Tell your professor that
     you've hired the monkey to take notes for you.  Sit back and relax
     during class, letting the monkey scribble on a piece of paper.  When
     it comes time to write a paper or take a test, write down things
     like, "I wish I had a banana" and "I miss my tire swing."  Assuming
     you get a bad grade, angrily fire the monkey in front of your
 22. When you have to write a paper, get it done early and mail it to your
     professor's house.  From then on, don't hand anything in, and blame it
     on the sluggishness of the U.S. Postal Service.
 23. Tell your professor that you'd like to interview him/her for a writing
     class.  Get him/her to tell you his/her life story.  Act interested,
     and write down everything he/she says.  Fabricate a few romantic 
     interludes and turn your efforts into a trashy romance novel.  Make 
     copies for the entire class, and your professor.  Demand extra credit.
 24. Draw hearts and flowers on the backs of your papers and tests.  Next to
     them, write things like, "You're the best, even though you suck" and
     "You're the worst professor in the world, but I still love you."
 25. Start asking questions in a fake foreign language.  Act like your
     professor is stupid for not being able to understand you.  Get other
     people in the class to start speaking the fake language too, and
     have frequent discussions during class.  Act like you're really
     interested in what you're discussing.  If your professor tries to
     interrupt or stop you, act annoyed and motion for him/her to quiet


[ In the realm of video games, the next true technological advance ]
[ is supposed to be Virtual Reality.  How close is it?  Here's a   ]
[ good URL from the kMc ( that may    ]
[ give you an idea.                                                ]
     These folks have a whole load of VR gear in all price ranges. Looks 
     like commercial and homemade stuff too - like hacked up Nintendo Power 


[ Since I didn't see my weekly weekend movie (other than catching ]
[ DRUKEN MASTER I on the big screen down at UT) I'm including the ]
[ following video review from           ]

Hey everyone...just finished watching THE STAND.  This movie was by 
far the best of Stephen King's works.  I say that because I am 
definitely NOT a horror fan and didn't like IT, or the "people on the 
airplane while time stops/disappears" movie.  Unlike most of his 
work, this had a profound message of good vs. evil.  It had purpose 
and despite King's poor acting skills, it was a movie that just seems 
to move me.  Gary Sinese is by far one of the finest actors alive 
today.  The guy who used to play "My Unlce Martin" with Bill Bixby, 
could run a close second.  But, put the acting and the beautiful 
sound track and old Mother Abigail aside and you have a great book.  
As I said, I don't often read King and instead engross myself in a 
good Clancy, but I recommend this book and the miniseries.


It's rant time!

Hand me my soapbox.

Thank you.

This is a plea to all the female readers of the WU.  I am begging and
pleading with you to send me stuff you find on the web or get in your
e-mail.  This whole net thing is just way too testosterone filled and
it's beginning to smell like sweat socks in here.

Now, to give you incentive, the following (and final) two pieces are
progressively more male entrenched.  First, a Star Trek piece (and what 
a bastion of woman's rights that show has been.)  Second, a satirical 
piece on how to shop for a girlfriend.

I was sent a list of "75 Reasons a Woman Should Keep Her Mouth Shut"
that was prefaced by at least 6 people saying "this is awful - I can't
believe someone wrote this".  I wondered why they bothered to proliferate
it in the first place.  I'm all for free speech and there isn't much I
won't discuss or include in the WU, but I'm drawing the line there.

Get on the wagon whether you be Grrrls, Womyn, or a female of any brand
and maybe there'll be less shit like that in my inbox.


[ One of the hip net.trends lately is to write your own episode of Star ]
[ Trek.  One net.geek actually got his script used (and with the way    ]
[ Voyager's been looking lately, they'd let anyone write an episode.)   ]
[ To prove my point sent me this "Dr. Seuss writes for ]
[ Star Trek: The Next Generation" .                                     ]

If Dr. Seuss wrote for Star Trek: the Next Generation...
                    By Dave Fuller
Picard:     Sigma Indri, that's the star,
            So, Data, please, how far? How far?
Data:       Our ship can get there very fast
            But still the trip will last and last 
            We'll have two days 'til we arrive
            But can the Indrans there survive?
Picard:     LaForge, please give us factor nine.
LaForge:    But, sir, the engines are offline!
Picard:     Offline! But why? I want to go!
            Please make it so, please make it so!
Riker:      But sir, if Geordi says we can't,
            We can't, we mustn't, and we shan't, 
            The danger here is far too great!
Picard:     But surely we must not be late!
Troi:       I'm sensing anger and great ire.
Computer:   Alert! Alert! The ship's on fire!
Picard:     The ship's on fire? How could this be?
            Who lit the fire?
Riker:      Not me...
Worf:                 Not me!
Picard:     Computer, how long 'til we die?
Computer:   Eight minutes left to say goodbye.
Data:       May I suggest a course to take?
            We could, I think, quite safely make 
            Extinguishers from tractor beams
            And stop the fire, or so it seems...
Geordi:     Hurray! Hurray! You've saved the day!
            Again I say, Hurray! Hurray!
Picard:     Mr. Data, thank you much.
            You've saved our lives, our ship, and such.
Troi:       We still must save the Indran planet --
Data:       Which (by the way) is made of granite...
Picard:     Enough, you android. Please desist.
            We understand -- we get your gist.
            But can we get our ship to go?
            Please make it so, PLEASE make it so.
Geordi:     There's sabotage among the wires
            And that's what started all the fires.
Riker:      We have a saboteur? Oh, no!
            We need to go! We need to go!
Troi:       We must seek out the traitor spy
            And lock him up and ask him why?
Worf:       Ask him why?  How sentimental.
            I say give him problems dental.
Troi:       Are any Romulan ships around?
            Have scanners said that they've been found? 
            Or is it Borg or some new threat
            We haven't even heard of yet?
            I sense no malice in this crew.
            Now what are we supposed to do?
Crusher:    Captain, please, the Indrans need us.
            They cry out, "Help us, clothe us, feed us!" 
            I can't just sit and let them die!
            A doctor MUST attempt -- MUST try!
Picard:     Doctor, please, we'll get there soon.
Crusher:    They may be dead by Tuesday noon.
Worf:       The saboteur is in the brig.
            He's very strong and very big.
            I had my phaser set on stun --
            A zzzip! A zzzap! Another one!
            He would not budge, he would not fall, 
            He would not stun, no, not at all!
            He changed into a stranger form
            All soft and purple, round and warm.
Picard:     Did you see this, Mr. Worf?
            Did you see this creature morph?
Worf:       I did and then I beat him fairly.
            Hit him on the jaw -- quite squarely.
Riker:      My commendations, Klingon friend!
            Our troubles now are at an end!
Crusher:    Now let's get our ship to fly
            And orbit yonder Indran sky!
Picard:     LaForge, please tell me we can go---
Geordi:     Yes, sir, we can...
Picard:                        Then make it so!

[ From sends us "CR report on Girlfriends" ]

Well it's been almost 20 years since Consumer's Reports 
reviewed girlfriends (CR, Aug 1972).  Since then, styles have 
changed, new features have been introduced, and the market for 
girlfriends has changed substantially.  So we here at CU decided 
another report was needed. 
     As in a car or a computer, you should ask yourself what you 
need a girlfriend for before obtaining one.  This will, in large 
part, dictate the final product which you should consider.  Do you 
want an intellectual companion?  A baby factory?  A hiking 
partner?  Or just lots of good, old-fashioned sex?  Identifying 
your needs is the first, and most important, step in selecting a 
     The second question which needs to be addressed is, of course, 
how much you are able to spend.  This is largely determined by 
your physical and personal characteristics--if you are good 
looking, have a commanding personality and a good sense of humor, 
you will have the resources to obtain a fancy, high-end model. 
On the other hand, if you are ugly, smell bad, and wear polyester 
clothes, your choices are more limited.  Keep your purchasing 
power in mind when considering your selection.  Although the 
salesman will tell you that a girlfriend can be financed, CU does 
not recommend this practice; due to inflating expectations, the 
required monetary outlay will actually *increase* with time. 
Used vs. New? 
     A question many girlfriend seekers have to address is whether 
to get a new or a used girlfriend.  The answer to this question 
will, roughly speaking, be determined by your age, as shown in 
the following table: 
Your age        Used or New 
 --------        ----------- 
1-12 years      (see note A) 
13-16 years      New 
17-21 years      Used, but not used up 
22-35 years      Used heavily 
35-60 years      New (see note B) 
60+             (see note A) 
Notes: A: Seek psychiatric help! 
       B: Only "new" if income $100,000/year. 
          Otherwise, "divorced". 
     New girlfriends have the advantage that they have no previous 
bad experiences to project on you, but the disadvantage that they 
will rarely be old enough to open their own checking account. 
Used girlfriends, on the other hand, may be steady, reliable 
performers, with the initial problems worked out, but CU advises 
that you avoid models which have much more than average mileage 
(2.1 SO's/yr).  Much greater than the average may be an 
indication that the girlfriend was a professional. 
     Often the potential girlfriends you see on the lot or in a 
tavern will be loaded with accessories, as the dealer gets a high 
markup on such items as large bosom, long legs, green eyes, etc. 
Other accessories will only appeal to fringe markets, such as 
models which come pre-equipped with children, or the ability to run 
10 miles while chanting sanskrit.  In such cases you should make 
a list of accessories desired, tolerated, and disliked.  Note 
that some accessories (such as children) can be added later, 
while others (such as a large bosom) must be factory installed. 
The Test Ride 
   When evaluating a girlfriend, a test ride is essential.  The 
test ride ritual begins with the so-called "pickup line", which 
can range from the simple if dull ("Can I buy you a drink?") to 
the aggressively hip ("dance with me or I'll kill you") to the 
arcane ("You're my Camus comrade, and I want to leap you, 
Faith!").  CU rates as Not Acceptable "Smile, you'll look 
better."  Once on the test bed, evaluate handling, stability, and 
acceleration.  The two questions you want to answer are: how 
fast, and how far?  Examine the detailing.  Does the bosom sag? 
Does the heater warm adequately, or does she remain cool? 
Ordering vs. On-The-Lot 
   Finding the right girlfriend can be a frustrating experience, 
and many potential customers find it hard to get the exact model 
and accessories wanted. In such cases ordering from the factory 
is an option.  Delivery time, however, is from 14 to 16 years 
(depending on the state you live in), and CU questions the 
usefulness of such a practice: if you have access to the baby 
factory, you should reconsider your need for a girlfriend anyway. 
        Girlfriends were evaluated by a dedicated group of 10 test 
engineers, selected to typify the average seeking population. 
All tests were performed at CU's specially constructed test 
facility, which included a bedroom, kitchen, and living room, and 
at a number of bars and taverns surrounding the facility.  A 
series of seven tests were run, evaluating each product according 
to the following criterion: intelligence, wit, humor, empathy, 
initiative, looks, and performance. 
   Girlfriends are grouped together in categories by similarity. 
Within each category, variation is not statistically significant. 
Category        Comments 
 --------       --------------------------------------------------- 
Goddess:        This is the woman of your dreams.  She comes 
                equipped with all the options you want and none of 
                the ones you don't. She can argue subtle points of 
                philosophy, give you a stiff game of racquetball, 
                understand what you mean even if you don't say it, 
                and break a bed.  No mental or physical hang-ups. 
                The drawback is that this model is not actually 
Goddess-in-law: This model is similar to the goddess, but comes 
                with contractual retainers, such as a psychotic 
                ex-husband, a spiteful mother, an alcoholic father, 
                and a bratty kid.  This model tends to generate grey 
Ms. Right:      The best all-around choice for most girlfriend 
                situations. Has most of the characteristics of the 
                Goddess except possibly in the wrong size or hair 
                color.  Other than that, an excellent long-term 
                investment.  Availability is extremely limited but 
                can occasionally be found with luck. 
Babe:           This is the flashy, fully-loaded variety with all 
                the options.  Unfortunately this model lacks 
                cognitive powers and empathy. Showy, and suitable for 
                a parade or for impressing your friends, but not for 
                your long-term girlfriend needs. 
Friend:         The model with the most empathy.  Caring and kind 
                but you wouldn't be caught dead in it.  Availability 
                is poor to fair, depending on quality. 
Yeah, Her:      The Ford Escort of girlfriends.  Widely 
                available, but useful as a girlfriend only in a 
                pinch, if no others are available. Tends to be 
                spiteful or unreliable, or have a dull finish.