|  Johnny Rollerfeet presents...      .  ___          . ___        |
|     The Weekend Update!!          ._  /  /        ._ /  /        |
|     an exclusive for the        .__  /  /__     .__ /  /__       |
|    Weekend Update Krewe!!      ._ _ (      )  ._ _ (      )      |
| (?s, !s, and ideas welcome!!)  .___ ()()()()  .___ ()()()()      |
|              --- An Original Electronic 'Zine ---                |
Welcome back from the holidays. I spent more than 23 hours behind the wheel this Christmas (and almost all of them were sober hours).

Many of you are probably wondering where I was the last three weeks. Well, I took off the 26th for Christmas, and then I took the 1st off for New Years, and then I took the 9th off to recover from taking Christmas and New Years off.

Needless to say, I saw and did quite a bit, and now you'll get to hear about it. One of the original purposes of this 'zine was to tell about neat places to go and I went to Little Rock. I'll tell you about Murray Christmas Dinner Theatre, Re-diatribe on the virtues of Priscilla, name a few WWW sites worth mentioning, and tell you about some of the folks in my neighborhoods.

Table of Contents

Little Rock Dinner Theatre
Review of the Christmas show at Murray's Dinner Theatre.
Top Movies
Johnny Rollerfeet's Top Movies of 1994
Web Sites
New and Fun WWW Places to Go.
Movie Review
An Independent B-Movie Worth Seeing.
A friend of WU leaves the 'net.
WU WWW Update
Some changes to the WU home page.
Table O' Contents - Greeting/Top

Murray Dinner Theatre

Theatre in Little Rock is actually quite a big deal. They PAY their actors! I know this seems almost impossible to believe for a city smack dab in the middle of Arkansas, but it's true. The house was full for Murray's little Christmas show- "There Goes the Bride."

Now, the Christmas show at Murray's is a tradition that your likely to never forget. Many years ago, the Christmas show was a real stink-a-roo, but once you've printed the bills and had it listed in the newsletter for months, you _have_ to do the show. (The show _must_ go on, ya' know.) Well, that infamous dress rehersal many years back was getting worse, and worse until finally everyone on stage could hold it in no longer, and began laughing uproariously (to keep from crying piteously) about the piss-poor quality of what they would be doing the next night. It was then and there that the cast decided to break the fourth wall, and turn serious /DRAH-ma/ into not-so-serious/DRa-ma/ (prononounced with a shwa a).

This year's show was quite hilariuos, and it got better the more burbon and cokes that I drank. The highlight of the show is the "grand finale" where the largest cast member gets dressed as Ol' St. Nick, is placed on a stool center stage, and then is decorated with Christmas lights while the cast dances/prances and sings Christmas songs (raunchy vaudville style Cristmas songs.)

The best prancer was the head of Murray Dinner Theatre. He's also an ordained Presbytyrian minister who's started his own church with the rest of the theatrical types in Little Rock. After the show, I got to meet the cast, and the minister was complaining because he didn't get to do this year's finale in heels.

Table O' Contents - Greeting/Top

Johnny Rollerfeet's Top Movie List of 1994

1) Heavenly Creatures
2) The Adventures of Priscilla - Queen of the Dessert
3) Clerks
It becomes unceasingly amazing to me that more and more I find my tastes leading toward foreign or independent films. There is not a single main stream American movie this year that I would say was _really_ worth going to see. That's why there are only 3 movies on my top movie list.

Of American movies (Little Women, IQ, Stargate, Star Trek 356, NBK, and others), I can only say that they weren't a waste of time to see, but I can't honestly tell you that your life is missing anything to miss these movies. The three I've listed though are _definite_ must-see's. The only one that you could wait for rental is Clerks, but you still shouldn't miss it.

As long as we're discussing movies - Richard Linklater's new flick will be out soon (I don't remember the name), but I get the idea that it will be along the lines of a classic romance - what IQ and Speechless tried to achieve, and what (IMHO) When Harry Met Sally and Sleepless in Seatle achieved.

Oh, yeah. GO SEE PRISCILLA!!!!! If you miss this in the theatres, you will miss the wonderful costumes, the bawdry dancin' disco hits, and the wonderful/beautiful/exquisite out-back scenery.

Table O' Contents - Greeting/Top

Looking for new web sites??? Well here's a few:

WWW Hunting - http://lycos.cs.cmu.edu
Looking for a specific home page, but don't know where to find it? Use this site to locate just about anything.
URoulette - http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/Clarissa/nickelodeon.html
The place to find your favorite Nick shows: Clarrissa, Rug Rats, etc...
Dilbert - http://gnn.com/gnn/news/comix/graphics/Dilbert.gif
Computer Geeks' favorite comic is electronic (of course)!
Table O' Contents - Greeting/Top

Movie Review.

Well, I finally went to see 'Clerks'. The short version is that this movie will be on of the quintescential classics of independent film.

The production, acting, and overall physical quality aren't good at all. It was (purposefully) shot to look like everything was done with security cameras. What makes this film worthwhile is that the heart of everyone involved was dedicated to making a movie they believed in. It's funny, and warm and generally non-violent which in my mind makes it's intrinisic value better than any mass-market-sell- with-violence-and-toilet-humor movie made last year. (Whoa, did I say that?)

Table O' Contents - Greeting/Top

On a heavy note, let's all say farewell to a dear friend and subscrib- er to the Weekend Update, Mickey Ray. I almost put down his e-mail address, but since he's no longer around, it wouldn't do any good. Mick has moved into the working forces of America to try and pay off his accumlulated education-driven debt in the sands of Sata Fe, NM.

We'll miss him dearly!

Table O' Contents - Greeting/Top

More and more things are happening every day to the weekend update home page. I've added many new links, and even almost caught up on the back issues.

Shameless plug: If you are interested at all in things aquatic, then try my bud's page - http://www.eden.com/~mbuna. It's under construction currently thanks to Johnny Rollerfeet Productions, but it will be available for things of a fishy nature soon.

Also, the WU home page (http://www.eden.com/~etrigan) will be caught up as soon as I can get Windows '95 tweaked to my personal tastes. Expect a review of Win '95 soon (and, so far, I only have good things to say.)

Table O' Contents - Greeting/Top

Write and tell me how your holidays went, what you got for Christmas and such, and we'll have holiday commercialization competition in the next WU.