
December 08, 2003

BNAT Listing

I’m too lazy to relist it all here, but I did a list of what we saw at BNAT5 on my normal blog, Backporch Beer — feel free to correct or harangue me here or there.

December 02, 2003

Standby Ticket Info

Harry posted about standby tickets. Short summary: there will be a handful available, but the line to get them will not start till 10 AM on the Saturday, and it will not be first come first serve. He’ll be talking to people in the line and deciding who gets ‘em.

November 17, 2003

Tickets On Sale!

Yep, tickets are on sale now. Run, scurry, and purchase! (Thanks to Nordling for the heads up in comments.)

November 14, 2003

Email Update

Harry speaks over at Aint It Cool News — Tim’s apparently been collecting movies and is away from his computer, thus the lack of emails. Also: he thinks tickets will be about the same as last year. Lengthier quote follows, or just read the update.

Continue reading "Email Update" »

November 13, 2003

Worst BNAT Movie?

We have all been (and will continue to be) kissing Harry’s ass until at least sometime the afternoon of December 7th. That is probably as it should be, but take a step back and talk about the worst movie you’ve seen at BNAT.

Continue reading "Worst BNAT Movie?" »

November 11, 2003

BNATers On The Web

Here’s some links I’ve dredged up (long hard work, that Google thing) of BNATers.

  • [link] smallerdemon at livejournal (including headshots, essay and state of mind pic)
  • [link] and [link] DarG’s photo albums from BNAT4
  • [link] BNAT4 paraphenelia on sale at CafePress

Anyone got anymore? (Rod, Tim - where are your photo albums?)

BNAT Message Board

There’s a fairly active BNAT message board available. Thrill to the offers of foot massage!

November 09, 2003

Our pictures

Be sure to check out the page that has all our pictures on it. I can’t wait for the yearbook! It’s just like high school except no-one’s seriously called me a “fag” in years.