July 5, 2007

etriganEntertainmentLast Week At The Alamo

Here’s a few pictures of our last week at the original location of the Alamo Drafthouse.

Our last sing-along at the Drafthouse was the Ultimate Mix Tape Sing Along. Owen and Henri selected their favorite songs from previous sing-alongs (Journey, Love Bites, Ladies of the 80s, R Kelly, Prince, Wierd Al, Pop Rap, Beastie Boys, etc.) and the crowd was typically racous and fun. The finale was Purple Rain and Becky ended up covered in it.

Our very last night at the Alamo included custom yellow hard hats and Earthquake actually caused a tile over Harry’s head to shake loose. Lucky for him a pipe stopped it from dropping on his head. Susan Tyrell Q&A’d the film Night Warnings as the final feature the Drafthouse would ever show, and she is a hoot and a half. Funny and joyful with an almost visible joie de vivre she shared as much with us as Bo Svenson did at BNAT one year, but Susan was much more entertaining and friendly. I would love to see her come back and discuss some of her other films. At the end of the night Becky and I got down on the theater floor and unbolted our chairs to take them home. They were nasty dirty but once I clean them up and secure them to a movable palate they will make a touching addition to our living room.

Having a close relationship with a business is a strange thing. Sure, we have our favorite restaurants and are comfortable walking around the nearby grocery store in our pajamas, but our affair with the Drafthouse is more intimate. We often assault the staff members in public because we recognize them but can’t remember from where we know them. We schedule our calendar around the Drafthouse calendar. By even conservative estimates I spent 80 hours at a Drafthouse event last year, half of which happened Downtown. Combined Becky and I accumulate over 120 hours in theater seats with a glass and plate of food in front of us. Any relationship this personal is tricky, and one as oddball as this makes you ponder if you’ve gotten too close and are risking getting hurt. While they are in transition I have anxiety that our friendship won’t be the same after they move, but I have faith that Tim and Karrie (and Karen and Henri and Josh and Kier-La and all the other beautiful friendly employees of the Alamo Drafthouse) know how important they are to us and will work as hard as we do to make sure our commitment lasts.

Posted by etrigan at July 5, 2007 10:40 AM
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