February 16, 2006

etriganRantsHamell Still Not Acquited

Attention New Yorkers: Hamell on Trial will be performing his one man show in support of Songs For Parents Who Enjoy Drugs at The Knitting Factory February 21-23 and March 2-4 and they can’t close down his show because this time it’s “theatre”. (Seriously, how can a NYC or LA club owner close a spoken-word rock singer down for being foul mouthed, but he can get away with it in Racine, no problem?)

Becky and I got to see a preview of his act Tuesday night and he certianly hasn’t lost it. To prove it, I stole a couple videos from his website for anyone too afraid to see it in person. Values is for all you parents (but he does slip in a little cursing) who are curious about Hamell’s attempts as a fairly recent father to bring order into a modern family. Coulter’s Sn**** (NSFW) is Hamell revealing a little known truth about the right-wing media, specfically that Ann Coulter’s gender-specific equipment that seperates her from most of the rest of her fellow pundits is quite odoriferous. I don’t know if this is personally true, but if Ann has the guts to deny this accusation then she needs to be able to present unrefutable truth — we can’t just take her word for it. Last, here are a couple videos from me taken last night showing Hamell’s antics.

Posted by etrigan at February 16, 2006 12:16 PM
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