December 30, 2003

beckyLifeNew Year's Resolutions

So, apparently Kevin and I are the only ones at work today. It’s dead here, and I find myself in the curious position of having time to browse.

Found this list of New Year’s Resolutions at Zulkey and it got me to thinking.

I don’t usually make resolutions, but if I did here’s what they would be:

stop complaining about traffic and stop driving like such an asshole
to write more than what i’ve eaten in my journal, and to stop writing down what I’ve eaten
fall in love with music again
stop hating math
Look after my skin better
to stop saying mean things about people, even if they are being dumb
not to kill so many house plants, or maybe just not to buy any more houseplants
to stop buying so much crap, even if it’s pretty or makes my butt look small
figure out what i want to do when i grow up, or at least to find a light at the end of this particular professional tunnel
to try “power skipping” as a form of exercise
to take better care of the people in my life that I really like, and to let those people know that I really like them
to speak up when people cut in front of me in line, possibly by shouting loudly “I am not invisible!”
to read all of the books that I pretend I’ve read when someone starts a stupid pretentious book conversation
to grow taller

Posted by becky at December 30, 2003 1:31 PM