November 28, 2003

ashleyStuffThe Janks are famous

so i’m sitting in the middle of my sister’s living room last night trying to wake myself from the coma that was beginning to set due to massive amounts of turkey intake compounded by several long treks across shreveport to visit various relatives, when there i see it… a smiling billy jankowski in full uniform slowly fading onto the TV screen in the living room whose volume has been lowered in an effort to help my nephew get to sleep.

i dash over to the tv, turn up the volume, and there’s jank’s dad talking about his life in the military and how he would be ready to go to the middle east if called. he then tells the overly attentive news team - all with really big hair - that his son is in the reserves (fade to billy’s picture again) and who plans on remaining in the reserves for another “dozen years or so”… the story goes on and is followed by vignettes of military men and women wishing their families in the ark-la-tex a happy thanksgiving and hoping to be home soon.

so, billy, i’m not sure where you are these days, if you knew about the broadcast, or if your family even told you that they were going to be on the news, but i thought i’d let you know that i saw it. it made you sound like a hero. i’m sure families everywhere in the area breathed a simultaneous sigh as your dad effervesced over his son’s accomplishments in that dad sort of way. it was very sweet.

Posted by ashley at November 28, 2003 3:42 PM